An idea, A dream, An ambition.

Follow your passion and if you do not have one then knowing it is the reason for your existence

I am on a mission to empower 100,000 writers, make money through my content writing skills and walk them towards that million by digital marketing.



Books are for the mind, heart and soul . They are the destination and the journey. Have a look at my collection



Sketching is a process as much as a product. In these sketches we discover what we want to say. It is the strokes of thoughts



There is no rush to plan everything out until the last detail. Believe in just getting it out there. I write for my readers not to find more readers for my writing.



There is never a better time to be a writer. It is an art that needs deliberate practice. Writing is a experiencing life twice in retrospect

Practical guidelines for a healthy lifestyle. By Chandra Subramanyam

Reality Check?

Hi, I am Chandra Subramanyam.

Straddling between Kerala and Mumbai as a part of an immigrant family, I understood my desire to travel. I have visited places like South Africa, USA, Europe, Norway and UAE. It is through these expeditions I discovered my passion in storytelling and writing. The articles, stories, essays I published have hued the newspapers and magazines with colors. I make sure I spend some time tweaking my hobbies of sketching, painting, etc. Remembers there are no boundaries

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Digital Advertising
Digital Advertising
Research & Planning
Digital Advertising
Digital Advertising
Research & Planning
Marketing strategy
Digital Advertising
Digital Advertising
Research & Planning
Digital Advertising